MEMBERSHIP | Bromsgrove Astronomical Society


Membership runs from April to March with anyone joining in between simply paying pro rata for the remainder of the year.

You can either purchase your full annual membership online by adding items to your shopping cart and checking out with PayPal, alternatively you can renew at our next meeting with the membership secretary.

In addition we are happy to welcome visitors from other societies or just interested individuals. A first visit is free to attend, after which we encourage people to join. Those, for who joining would be impractical due to long distance etc, may visit on an ad-hoc basis £4 per evening.

We intend to keep membership fees as low as is practical to encourage as many people as possible to join the society. Our fees mainly go into providing the room at the Bromsgrove Rugby Club, which is a fantastic venue. Coffee and tea will be provided free at every meeting, where we simply have a donation pot for drinks, and of course a club scope!


Rob Januszewski – Chairman
Vacant – Secretary
Mark Taylor – Treasurer
Charles Lewis – P.R
Chris Butler – P.R
Vacant – Membership Secretary
Dave Jones – Outreach
George Carey – Forum Moderator

Andrew Kirton


If you have any enquiries please use our contact form to get in touch.  A committee member will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


You can download our Society membership application form [HERE]


(To cover our costs a small online transaction fee will be added to the shopping cart).

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